Integrated Laboratory School-Elementary Department Holds Annual GPTA General Assembly

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the Integrated Laboratory School-Elementary Department convened its annual General Parent-Teacher Association (GPTA) Assembly. The event served as a platform for both the election of new officers and a comprehensive review of the past year’s activities.

Dr. Anna Louisa R. Perez, Principal of ILS Elementary, formally opened the proceedings. In her welcoming address, Dr. Perez emphasized the importance of parental involvement and outlined expectations for proper conduct and communication. She also introduced the school faculty to the attending parents and guardians for proper orientation.

Outgoing GPTA President Dr. Mohammad Nur S. Paspasan presented a comprehensive report on the association’s projects and accomplishments for the 2023-2024 academic year. Ms. Liezel L. Lacno, the outgoing Treasurer, followed with a detailed financial report that aligned with the President’s overview.

Dr. Ma. Carla A. Ochotorena, President of Western Mindanao State University, expressed her appreciation for the unwavering support of parents through the Chief of Staff, Dr. Berhana I. Flores. She encouraged continued collaboration between the GPTA and the school administration to ensure high-quality education for all pupils.

The General Assembly featured an active participation from parents, guardians, and faculty in the annual election of GPTA officers, who were inducted into office by the University Legal Officer, Atty. Roberto Rivero. The following individuals were elected to serve for the 2024-2025 academic year:

President: Dr. Carl Richard C. Dagalea

Vice President: Mr. Benjamin Macrohon

Secretary: Dr. Maria Fe D. Mangila

Treasurer: Ms. Liezel L. Lacno

Auditor: Ms. Suzette G. Ducanes

Public Information Officer (PIO): Mr. Maulana Salatun

Project Managers: Ms. Maira Julwadi, Ms. Muzarna G. Mansan, Ms. Daisy B. Usman

The Assembly was filled with festive activities, including a dance performance by the faculty and the distribution of door prizes to parents and guardians. Faculty members also received gifts as a token of appreciation.

In closing remarks, Dr. Maria Fe M. Mangila, Assistant Principal, thanked all attendees, including the pre-service teachers, for their active participation and contributions to the success of the GPTA General Assembly.

By Dr. Richard C. Dagalea

Photos: James Andrew Locson