Invitations to Bid:
- PR-17-12-432 Supply and Delivery of Bags for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-17-12-431 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the Guidance and Counseling Center
- PR-17-11-397 Supply, Delivery and Installation of Clear Glass for the CET
- PR-17-11-393 Supply and Delivery of Conference Table and Chairs for the TEC
- PR-17-10-372 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-09-309 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the University Recognition & Graduation SY 2017-2018
- PR-17-11-414 Job Order for Aircondition Cleaning for the Hi-Ace Van for the Motorpool
- Pr-17-11-385 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit, Ceiling Fan, Whiteboard, Office Table and Monoblock Chair with Arms for the CET
- PR-17-12-442 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the Special Board Meeting in Davao City
- PR-17-10-368 Supply and Delivery of Aircondition Unit for the PMO
- PR-17-10-358 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-17-10-354 Supply and Delivery of 3-in-1 Printer for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-11-404 Supply and Delivery of Steel Cabinets for the Supply Office
- PR-GEN 17-11-291 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-12-429 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the BAC
- PR-17-12-424 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-17-12-425 Supply and Delivery of Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-03-123-REBID Supply and Delivery of Digital Weighing Scale for the Zampen Native Chicken Project for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-11-383 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RUPID
- PR-17-10-379 Supply and Delivery of Lumber for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-322 Supply and Delivery of Protective Coat for the College of agriculture
- PR-17-09-317 Supply and Delivery of Seedling Tray, Polyethylene Bags and Pot for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-321 Supply and Delivery of Bush Cutter, Knapsack Sprayer, Wheel Barrow and Garden Sprinkler for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-318 Supply and Delivery of Various Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-323 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Tools for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-343 Supply and Delivery of Various Garment Supplies and Materials for the Auxillary Services of the University
- PR-17-09-319 Supply and Delivery of of Various Agricultural Medicines and Supplies for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-08-292 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs of the University
- PR-17-10-371 Supply and Delivery of Voice Recorder for the PHSI
- PR-17-10-364 Supply and Delivery of Glass Top for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-09-320 Supply and Delivery of Refrigerator and Aircondition Unit for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-10-370 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the PHSI
- PR-17-09-350 Supply and Delivery of Various Medicines and Dental Supplies for the Dental Clinic of the University
- PR-17-10-380 Supply and Delivery of Food and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-17-09-324 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardaware Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-09-338 Supply and Delivery of Various Dinnerware for the College of Economics
- PR-17-09-304 Supply and Delivery of Various Hardware Supplies and Materials for the College of home Economics
- PR-17-11-408 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 4th Quarter Regular Board Meeting of the University
- PR-17-11-408 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 4th Quarter Regular Board Meeting of the University
- PR-17-10-377 Job Order for Sewing of Costume for the Office of the Cultural, Theatre and Arts of the University
- PR-17-09-328 Supply and Delivery of G.I. Pipe for the Tissue Culture Laboratory
- PR-17-06-192 Supply and Delivery of Ring Binder for the QMS-ISO
- PR-17-11-388 Supply and Delivery of Food and Accommodation with Conference Room for the University Finance Office
- PR-17-10-374 Supply and Delivery of Catalogue Shelf, Double-Face Roll-up Stand and Pop-up Display Curve C for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-10-362 Supply and Delivery of Van Rentals for the PHSI
- PR-17-09-348 Supply and Delivery of Drinking Glass, Cup and Saucer for the BAC Office
- PR-17-10-355 Supply and Delivery of Various Filters for the Generator Sets of the University
- PR-17-09-306 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Native Chicken Program of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-09-313 Supply and Delivery of Water Dispenser for the Auxillary Services
- PR-17-09-315 Supply and Delivery of Electric Stand and Orbit Fan for the OVP-AA
- PR-17-09-337 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-09-336 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-10-378 Job Order for Plotting of Various Infrastructure Projects
- PR-17-09-335 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Program
- PR-17-09-334 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the Blue Printing Machine of the University Press
- PR-17-09-310 Supply and Delivery of Car Battery of the Motorpool of the University
- PR-17-10-363 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken cProgram
- PR-17-09-307 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the REOC
- PR-17-09-303 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the 177th Regular Board Meeting
- PR-17-03-118 Supply and Delivery of Plastic Comb Binding Machine for the CCE
- PR-17-08-301 Supply and Delivery of Sounds and Lights Rental for the OCTA
- PR-17-08-253 Supply and Delivery of Sounds and Lights Rental for the VPAA
- PR-17-08-257 Supply and Delivery of Diazo Coated Paper and Liquid Activator for the UPRESS
- PR-17-08-282 Supply and Delivery of Leis for the HRMO
- PR-17-08-290 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the CCE
- PR-17-08-291 Supply and Delivery of Polo Shirt for the CCE
- PR-17-07-249 Supply and Delivery of Cable Tie, Steel Chain Padlock and Bulb for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-250 Supply and Delivery of Office Curtain and Dinnerware for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-247 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Accommodation for the CLA
- PR-17-07-237 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the PHSI
- PR-17-06-191 Supply and Delivery Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Program of WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-232 Supply and Delivery of Various Medals for the ESU Palaro 2017
- Supply and Delivery of Plaque for the HRMO
- Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-17-05-188 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-07-236 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Hotel Accommodation for the RDEC
- PR-17-03-110 Supply and Delivery of Various Subscription of Journal & Magazines for the University Library
- PR-17-03-109-REBID Supply and Delivery of Badminton Shuttle Cock and Badminton Racket for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Waterproof Digital Camera, Video Camera and DSLR Camera with Lens for the CCE
- PR-17-03-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for Guidance Office and TEC
- PR-17-04-153 Supply and Delivery of Various Books for the Kinder I of the College of Social Work & Community Development
- PR-17-04-156 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the University Health Services
- PR-17-05-164 Supply and Delivery of Acrylic Plastic Clear for the College of Nursing
- PR-17-05-175 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-17-03-125 Supply and Delivery of Various Repair Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-17-04-154 Supply and Delivery of Tires and Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-17-04-155 Job Order for Genneral Cleaning of Air Conditioning System for the Toyota Hi-Ace Van of Motorpool
- PR-17-05-166 Supply and Delivery of WMSU Stationery for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-074 Supply and Delivery of Commercial Electric Rice Cooker for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-02-075 Supply and Delivery of Commercial Ice Crusher for the College of Home Economics
- PR-17-04-147 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program (for JHCSC Station)
- PR-17-04-148 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Native Chicken Program (for San Ramon)
- PR-17-04-159 Supply and Delivery of Various Training Supplies and Materials for the CCE
- PR-17-04-141 Supply and Delivery of Stapler for the TEC
- PR-17-03-117 Supply & Delivery of Foldable Table and JR. Executive Chair for the CCE
- PR-17-03-107 – Supply & Delivery of Water Lifting Pump for the Administration
- PR-17-03-124 Supply and Delivery of Smartphones and Power Banks for the RDEC
- PR-17-03-121 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Supplies and Materials for the College of Nursing
- PR-16-11-367 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the University Library
- PR-17-02-057 Supply and Delivery of of Gate Pass Sticker for the University
- PR-17-02-065 Job Order for the Re-Orientation of Existing Antenna at the Admin Bldg
- PR-17-02-078 Supply and Delivery of Battery for the Motorpool
- PR-17-02-085 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Native Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-02-086 Supply and Delivery of Name Plate, Paper Weight and Personalized Mug for the CCE
- PR-17-04-158 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation for the Office of the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-04-151 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-16-12-386 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-16-12-391-A Supply and Delivery of Power Generator for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-02-055 Supply and Delivery of VFood and Venue for the WESMARRDEC
- PR-17-02-080 Supply and Delivery of Various Painting Materials for the Repainting of Gymnasium
- PR-17-02-083 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Medicines for the Zampen Nativ Chicken Project of the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-01-014 Supply and Delivery of Food and Venue for the SWK
- PR-17-01-002 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the RDEC
- PR-16-12-403 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink and Numbering Machine for the Office of the President
- PR-17-01-020 Supply and Delivery of Food, Venue and Accommodation for the QMS ISO
- PR-16-12-398 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural S Materials and Medicines for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-399 Supply and Delivery of Various Agricultural Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-400 Supply and Delivery of Various Construction Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-401 Supply and Delivery of Various Supplies and Materials for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-16-12-402 Supply and Delivery of Chicken Layer Cage for the Native Chicken Project of WESMASRRDEC
- PR-GEN.16-12-341 Supply and Delivery of Various Plumbing Supplies and Materials for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-01-001 Supply and Delivery of Hotel Room Accommodation
- PR-16-11-347 Supply and Delivery of Computer Desktop for PAO
- PR-17-11-391 Supply and Delivery of Color Laser Printer for TEC
- PR-17-11-387 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the College of Engineering and Technology
- PR-17-11-386 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the College of Engineering and Technology
- PR-17-08-295-REBID Supply and Delivery of Ring Binder, Filing Box and Computer Ink for the CLA and CSM
- PR-17-05-162-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Sound System for the CET
- PR-1703-103-REBID Supply and Delivery of Various Equipment for the Extension Services of the University
- PR-17-03-126 Supply and Delivery of Computer Desktop for the University Press
- PR-17-08-283 Supply and Delivery of Various Engineering Equipment and Tools for the CET
- PR-17-02-034 Supply and Delivery of Various Aiconditioner Unit for Various Offices and Colleges of the University
- PR-17-06-209/PR-17-04-149 Supply, Delivery and Installation of CCTV for the CET and CLA
- Construction or Rehabilitation of Multi-Purpose Building
- Construction, Repair, Rehabilitation of Academic Building
- Fabrication of Shelves and Mounted Cabinets, College of Nursing
- Installation of Renewable Energy Solar Facility (Phase I)
- Proposed Removable Fence and Grille Work at Motorpool
- Proposed Wood Planks at Administration, Planning and Board Secretary’s Office and Fabrication of Cubicles Requested by Registrar Office (Clustered)
- Repainting and Renovation of VPAA Office
- Proposed RFID at Gate 1 and Gate 3
- Repair and Improvement of Structures
- Reconstruction of Water System at WMSU Main Campus
- Upgrading of Secondary Feeder Line, Distribution Line and Installation of KW-HR Meter per Building, WMSU Main Campus
- Upgrading of Secondary Feeder Line and Distribution Line, WMSU Malangas Campus
- Reconstruction of Water System at WMSU San Ramon Campus
- PR-17-06-212 Supply and Delivery of Wrist Watch, Ring and Necklace with Pendant for the HRMO
- PR-17-06-204 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer and DSLR With Lens for the Malangas Campus
- PR-17-06-199 Supply and Delivery of FRS-GMRS Two Way Radio for the College of Agriculture
- PR-17-03-103 Supply and Delivery of of Various Equipment for the Extension Services of the University
- PR-17-03-115 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for the Extension Services
- PR-17-07-246 Supply and Delivery of Clear Sheet Protector for the QMS-ISO
- PR-17-07-218 Supply and Delivery of Digital Copier for the ICS
- PR-17-07-230 Supply and Delivery of Office Table, JR. Executive Chair and Computer Chair for the ICS
- Procurement for ISO 9001:2015 Certificate Services
- PR-17-06-210: Supply and Delivery of Various Chemicals for the CSM
- PR-17-07-242: Supply and Delivery of Dot Matrix Printer for the Payroll Section of the University
- PR-17-07-231: Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the SHS Palaro and HOPE Classes of the University
- PR-17-06-194: Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for the WESMAARRDEC
- PR-17-02-089 Supply and Delivery of Bullet Recovery Capsule, Bullet Comparison Microscope and Finger Print Kit for the Malangas Campus
- PR-17-06-211 Supply and Delivery of Rebound Hammer for the CET
- PR-17-06-200 Supply and Delivery of Walk Through and Handheld Metal Detector for the VPAF 2
- PR-17-06-203 Supply and Delivery of Various sporting Goods for the Office of the Sports Director
- PR-17-02-034-REBID Supply, Delivery and Installation of Various Airconditioner Units for Various Offices in the University
- PR-17-04-140 Supply and Delivery of DSLR Camera for the LDRC
- PR-17-04-152 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies and Materials for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-04-157 Supply and Delivery of Various Ink for Various Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-042 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for VArious Offices of the University
- PR-17-03-118 Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Center for Continuing Education
- PR-17-03-119 Supply and Delivery of Waterproof Digital Camera, Video Camera and DSLR Camera with Lens for the CCE
- PR-17-03-126 Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computer for the University Press
- PR-17-03-133 Supply and Delivery of Various Office Furniture for Guidance Office and TEC
- PR-17-03-107 Supply and Delivery of Water Pump for the Administration
- PR-17-03-109 Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-108 Supply & Delivery of Various Electrical Supplies and Materials for the Physical Plant Office
- PR-17-03-112 Supply & Delivery of Portable Sound System, Wireless Microphone and Handheld Megaphone for the CCE
- PR-17-03-113 Supply & Delivery of Tablet for the University Board Secretary
- PR-17-03-101 Supply and Delivery of Inventory Sticker and Ledger Card for the PMO
- PR-17-03-109 – Supply and Delivery of Various Sporting Goods for the CPERS
- PR-17-03-120& PR-17-02-063 – Supply & Delivery of Various Ink & Ribbon Cartridge for Various Colleges and Offices of the University
- PR-17-02-077 – Supply & Delivery of Pistol, Shotgun and Ammunition for the WMSU Malangas and Security Personnel
- PR-17-02-051 – Supply & Delivery of Various Medicines & Medical Supplies for the University Health Services
- PR-17-02-039 – Supply & Delivery of FTIR Spectroscopy for the CSM
- PR-17-02-067 – Supply & Delivery of Various Equipment & Materials for the Motorpool
- PR-17-02-087 – Supply & Delivery of Various IT Equipment for the Various Colleges & Offices of the University
Small Value
Public Bidding
Bid Bulletin:
Notice of Awards:
- Language Development Resource Center
- Industrial Engineering Laboratory Room for the College of Engineering & Technology
- Enhancement of the Forensic and Crime Laboraotry of the College of Criminal Justice Education
- Construction of Two (2) Classroom Building, ESU, Clara
- Construction of Regional Farmers Training Center at the College of Agriculture
- Construction of Plant and Animal Clinic for the College of Agriculture
- Construction of One (1) Classroom Building, ESU, Tungawan
- Construction of Multi-Purpose Hall, ESU, Ipil
- Construction of Five (5) Classroom Building, ESU, Siay
- Completion of Ladies Dormitory Cum Training Center
- 5 Storey HS bldg (Phase 1 & 2)
- Small Value Procurement
- Shopping
- None
- Direct Contracting
- None
- Repeat Order
- None
- Emergency Cases
- None
Public Bidding
- Repair & Repainting of Building, Classrooms and Laboratories at the New College of Engineering
- Repair & Renovation of Executive Building for Gender and Wellness Center
- Renovation of Language Development Resource Center
Notices to Proceed and Commence Work:
- None
- None