SUC Fair 2024 Presents InnoVAR: Research Pitching Competition

The State Universities and Colleges (SUC) Fair 2024 proudly presents “Innovation, Variation, Acceleration through Research” (InnoVAR): Research Pitching Competition, a groundbreaking event dedicated to showcasing the cutting-edge technologies developed by SUCs for potential adoption or commercialization. This competition aims to provide a platform for innovative minds to present their creations and explore opportunities for business start-ups.

InnoVAR highlights the strides made by SUCs in research and development, focusing on technologies that have either been granted Intellectual Property (IP) certificates or have filed IP applications.

InnoVAR featured product and service innovations that possess strong potential for business start-ups. The competition aims to bridge the gap between research and industry, enabling the commercialization of academic innovations and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit within the academic community.